Behavioral Health Services and Care Management is a support service that is focused on ”wellness”. It is available to adults with active NY state Medicaid and meet a few basic requirements. Behavioral Health Services and Care Management will assist participants to live safely and as independently as possible. Behavioral Health Services and Care Management works to ensure a continuity of care. Behavioral Health Services and Care Management will also help link participants with appropriate services and resources. Care managers work cooperatively with participants to establish the resources and supports that are needed or desired to help individuals reach their self-identified goals.


Behavioral Health Services and Care Management is available to people 18 years old or older who receive or are eligible to receive Medicaid and have either:
• A Mental/Behavioral Health Diagnosis

• Two chronic medical conditions

• Have tested HIV Positive

Contact Info

Katie Ross, MS, Director of Care Management

Phone: 845-708-2000 ext. 2247